Log in to the remote meeting of creditors using this Link or by using the Meeting ID: 537-530-8005 and Password: 2551082030.
At this time, all meetings of creditors are conducted using the Zoom video conference program. Find login information above.
You also can find detailed instructions here. Please review the instructions and test your connection in advance.
After you log in, you may see a "Please wait" screen. The Trustee's staff will admit you to the waiting room shortly. Make sure the Trustee's staff knows which meeting(s) you are attending. When the meeting begins, you will be admitted to a separate meeting room.
The Trustee will not allow you to participate in the remote meeting of creditors while operating a motor vehicle. Find a place that is quiet and free from distractions. The meeting of creditors will be recorded, so it is important to minimize background noise and to speak clearly.
Find additional information about meetings of creditors at the links below: