Download PDF Document Forms
Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization
Chapter 13 Transmittal Form
Mortgage Information Form
13 Network Web Access Agreement

Request for Case Payoff

Request to Incur Debt Rental Property
On your first Payment:
Please include your name and case number printed clearly on your payment.
Chapter 13 Trustee
Please, do not send your payments to this address.
We are here to serve
Phone lines are open from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
(901) 576-1313
Payment Methods
Please understand that we do not accept personal checks or cash.
Sign up to get case information electronically with the National Data Center (NDC) Click here!!
The Office of the Chapter 13 Trustee, as a support system to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, provides professional and efficient administrative services to debtors, creditors and their counsel.
Chapter 13 Trustee Mission Statement

We have a drop box on the 11th floor of 200 Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, TN for your convenience. Payments can be dropped in the box between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.